Saturday 22 August 2020

Recipe for hypochondria

If there is one thing to be said about having chemo, it is very conducive to becoming a hypochondriac as you have to constantly monitor how your body is reacting. 


I’m glad to say we did not rush up to Kendal again yesterday. There is some leakage around the PICC line but I think it will remain inside the dressing until Monday & the district nurse’s visit. And certainly I’m feeling no pain there. I’ve now finished taking the steroid pills. They seem to have no undue side effects. Life can go on.


Last night I caught up on all the sleep I missed out the night before. I was in bed around 8pm & didn’t emerge, except for a brief loo trip, until just before 8am this morning. That’s not to say I slept solidly all that time. I kept waking up every couple of hours, putting on the bedside radio, relaxing back into sleep, but at least there were no prolonged spells of wakefulness.


The psoriasis on my scalp seems to have gone bonkers. The urge to scratch is overwhelming. Now the back of my head is getting quite sore from all the scratching. Hopefully it will settle down soon. I’m putting plenty of cream in to moisturise the area.


As for the tumours they seem to be on the whole more comfortable than they were before the treatment began, though the amazing improvement of the first night has disappeared. I can at least sleep better on either side which helps.


The new Limbo has not arrived so I can’t have a shower. I suspect it didn’t get delivered to the chemist in time to be sent out. It’s not the sort of thing they regularly have in stock. I’m hoping now it will come on Monday, another day of waiting to look forward to. I’ll certainly be ringing to find out what’s happened then.


Meanwhile we’re hoping for a quiet weekend & maybe seeing some friends along the way.


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