Monday 3 August 2020

Disappointment & wonder

I’ve just rung Wythenshawe hospital. They will not see me if the Fox is having the coronavirus test, even if he stays outside as I live with him & would probably end up having it too. The appointment is being rescheduled to next week as we anticipate the result of the test being negative. (We’re pretty sure it’s just stress.) I’ve since had to ring Kendal hospital to let them know what’s happening & delay their appointments for a PICC line & chemo too. So we’re having a quiet few days not going out, just in case there’s a possibility we might have the virus. We wouldn’t want to spread it to anyone more than we possibly have already.


Meanwhile, what I was intending to write about was our birds. As the smaller birds have returned to the garden, we’ve been putting more food out for them. What a squabble of them there is early in the morning and around dinner time as the fight over the food. The food disappears under at least a dozen starlings at a time. They’re quite vociferous as they fight for their turn at the fat balls etc. Wings flap, beaks peck. It’s quite a sight.

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