Friday 5 June 2020

Cat to poodle

I seem to be changing animal. As I said the other day, my new hair has made me into the Fox’s silver pussycat. Now I’m becoming his silver poodle as the hair at the back turns into a mass of curls. He never realised my hair was so naturally curly, now he knows. The Annie Lennox look is turning into the Shirley Temple look.


I’m reminded of my mother telling me how she kept getting into trouble with my grandmother. When I was a baby we lived in Brunei. My mother wrote regularly to my grandmother describing my brother & me. My gran had seen my brother – they came over to England in 1953 for the coronation before I was born – but she’d never seen me. My gran often complained that Mum was describing a different child in every letter.


The problem was that I kept changing appearance, radically. As one friend commented I have chameleon eyes – they still change colour from green to brown to dark grey, even hints of yellow. My hair, too, used to be brown with lots of red in it that shone out in certain lights. There was also a fair streak. The photos of me as a toddler show a little girl with blond hair (possibly bleached by the tropical sun) Now it’s just silver with the odd dark hair. My hair has always been wavy, only curling on the rare occasions I get hot. However, it’s not been as short as it is now since I was a baby. Clearly without the weight of longer hair it just curls.

I wonder what's next.

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