Monday 8 June 2020

A visitor or two

I’ve just made up some Corned Beef Hamburgers ready for this evening.


I’ve got one eye on the window. I’m expecting a friend to come round. She went shopping the other week. People seemed to be getting very close. Some even touched her. In her panic – she’s over 70 so regarded as being vulnerable – she never put her reading glasses on. She saw the word “Fairy”, assumed it was the washing up liquid she wanted, bought it, to find when she got home she’s actually bought soap for a dishwasher. Her dishwasher is not a machine. It’s her husband. I suggested she should give it to someone who had a machine & so she’s giving it to us.


Meanwhile, she’s also mentioned she wanted to get some white daisies for her garden. So yesterday, I asked our gardener to pot up some white daisies from our garden which we’re given them by way of payment for the dishwasher detergent.


As they’re coming to buy some face masks from someone nearby who is making cloth ones, they’re going to stop by on the way home for the swap. It will be nice to see them if only for a short time.

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