Sunday 21 June 2020

The non-Archers

Yesterday the sun shone. The Fox mowed the lawn, then we played dominoes outside. We had our curry outside too, & followed it with a stroll around the garden. On the way we admired the tiger lily that had self-seeded, the day lilies that were just opening up, the meadow look under the silver birches. Today is a different matter – wet once more. So, of course, we’ve organised a ham salad for dinner & no doubt we will end up eating that inside.


Normally, on a Sunday, I listen to “The Archers” on Radio 4. I confess, though, the series of monologues that seem to be the programme now do little for me. They bore me.


I’ve long loved “The Archers”. They were a favourite of my mother’s. To her, the programme said home as she returned to England from the Far East. The soap is set in the Midlands, in the part of England where she came from, which gave it extra meaning & nostalgia.


For me, it says Mum & will forever be associated with her. She may have died just over 40 years ago, in 1978, but she remains a part of me & is still loved & missed. The radio programme keeps me in touch with something that meant something to her & so with her. However, the programme now being transmitted, with its multiple monologues, is just not the same. There is no interaction between characters & that’s where the comedy, the humanity, the interest lies. Sunday just isn’t Sunday any more. I do hope they will soon be able to return to something more akin to the old programme. After all they can produce concerts with individuals playing & recording separately in their own homes & then being put together. Why not drama?


Malcolm said...

Helen has lost interest in The Archers since the monologues bore her too. She doesn't even bother to listen anymore!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

I'm just occasionally listening in the so far vain hope things will return to normal. At the moment it seems like wishful thinking. The Vixen.