Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Still fighting on

Well yesterday's meal at Ricky's ended up being for 4. Both the Fox & PD were struggling under the weight of cold. The Fox spent most of his day wrapped in a blanket trying to keep warm despite his brow burning when I touched it. Not a good day. He didn't seem any better by the time I went to bed. I'm just hoping there's some sign of improvement today.

Meanwhile I've gone ahead & made a shepherd's pie for today - good comfort food at a time of distress. It's also easy going this evening, just a quick warm up with a few extra veg. 

Tomorrow one of us at least is going to have to venture out. We'll be needing milk. If things haven't improved I'll probably just pop round the corner to the nearest shop on my Mean Machine & content myself with just milk. Food is very much in the air. If he doesn't improve soon I suspect, as my energies start to flag, we will end up on take-aways delivered to us. 

Still all this taking things easy has meant I've finally finished my preliminary reading on the Disability Living Allowance consultation document. Some questions I cannot answer. What are the particular problems incurred by disabled children as opposed to adults? I only became disabled in my late thirties so have no personal experience. The only child I have known who is disabled is the sister of a schoolfriend, long before I became so interested & involved in disability issues. If any of you have any useful advice on the matter please don't hesitate to let me know. Otherwise I can see the question remaining a blank, due to ignorance.

The one good thing, so far, is that I've not shown any symptoms of this cold. I just hope things stay that way.


Malcolm said...

may your resistance (to the cold) continue!

The reference to the Dla consultation just made me wonder if you'd come across this excellent blog... http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.com/

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Thanks Malcolm. I might just pop over & see what it has to say. The Vixen.