Monday, 21 February 2011


Today's meal has had to be re-arranged. I was thinking of doing something with bacon, floddies or a cheese pasta medley perhaps. Then I ventured into the laundry room, where the freezer is, and saw a small bag on the floor. I'd had a good rummage in the freezer the day before, dropping things on the floor as I reached down into the chest. Somehow I must have missed this bag in the putting back process. Needless to say it has thawed out, so I feel I have to use it up quick or just throw it out.

And what is in the bag? 4oz of cooked rabbit. I've looked through my cookbooks but I can't find anything much for cooked rabbit, and certainly not for so little, so it's going to have to be an experiment. My mother always referred to rabbit as "poor man's chicken", a reference to her childhood in the 1920s, when chicken was expensive & rabbits were plentiful, especially if you lived in the country as she did. Anyhow, with this comment of Mum's in mind, I'm thinking of adapting my turkey quiche recipe, using rabbit instead of turkey. It should be something different if nothing else.

Meanwhile I'm feeling unsettled by a letter that came this morning. It seems the results from the blood test the other day weren't good. They've arranged further appointments for me when we should be in Cyprus. I've hastily got on the phone to re-arrange the times, so now, the first week back I'll have two appointments at the surgery.

An extra worry on a holiday. Just what I needed! As if we weren't anxious enough about what will be happening with our bathroom and whether it will be completed by the time we're back.

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