Last night, after being enchanted by watching "Madagascar" BBC2 - I love watching those lemurs flying through the air or bouncing across the land with their long tails held high or just stretched out on their backs, enjoying a bit of sun - we settled down to some music & conversation.
We went more folky with John Denver, followed by Georges Brassens. I always feel that Brassens is a sort of French Jake Thackery. They have the same lugubrious air. I always find myself smiling. I wish my French was good enough to catch the meaning of the words but, from the sound of them, they are very colloquial and very jokey.
I've just had a quick look at Jake Thackery on Wikipedia. He's a singer I associate with having short slots on TV in the 60s. I gather from the Wikipedia entry he was influenced by Brassens so maybe I've got them the wrong way round. Maybe I should have said the Thackery is an English Brassens. To me, though, it's the other way. Possibly that's a reflection of the fact that Thackery entered my consciousness before Brassens.
Still the really important fact is that we had an enjoyable evening, chuntering away to each other, with a glass of wine and some fun music in the background
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