Saturday 25 July 2020

Waiting ends

The results of the CT scan are through. It is definitely further secondary breast cancer, now in the lymph nodes in my neck & around the collar bone. The area is too large to operate though he will write to Wythenshawe hospital to check with the surgeon who operated on me earlier in the year that that is indeed the case.


So palliative care is the only realistic option. Next week I have a PICC line inserted once more. The chemo starts the following week.


It will be a different chemo this time. It seems like a case of trial & error to find out which one will work best for me. Unfortunately as I’m a double negative I will probably not react too well but we’ll see. The oncologist is hopeful he may be able to shrink the lump a bit & make me a bit more comfortable.


This time it will be a succession of three week cycles. The first two I have an infusion. The third I have a week’s break.


I have made it clear I want a satisfying quality of life rather than an undue prolonging of life. If I can’t do some of the things I enjoy in life I don’t see much point in just going on for a long time. However, the oncologist clearly thinks I’m going to keep going at least to complete this 12 week course of chemo so we’re not talking about any demise immediately.


We’ll just have it see how it goes.

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