Saturday 4 July 2020


A certain level of panic is settling into me. The cause? I’ve lost - or is the word mislaid? - one of my cook books. Wherever it is it isn’t on the shelf in its normal place.


It is my oldest hand written one. It contains recipes we’ve eaten regularly throughout our nearly 45 years of marriage. It holds delights such as Salmon Fish Cakes, Mini Pies, Chicken Curry Pancakes, Ham & Egg Pancakes, Cornish Pastes to name just a few. Along with the recipes are many treasured memories.


I’m just hoping the Fox has an idea where it is. Life just isn’t going to be the same without it.


I’m hoping, now he’s into cooking himself, he decided to look at something in it & put it down somewhere else. It’s unlikely as he finds my handwriting hard to read but you never know. If nothing else he is usually a good Sherlock Holmes, good at finding lost/mislaid items. Life just won’t be the same without that book & those recipes.


I’m trying to tell myself I’ve done those recipes so often now they should be hot-wired into my brain. I should have confidence in my memory. But that doesn’t stop the panic which is spreading rapidly.

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