Thursday 30 July 2020


On Monday I had words with my GP about some effective control of the neuropathy that affects my feet in particular. The constant tingling in my fingers I can cope with. In my toes it is a different new matter. I see on the sheet about the new chemo I’m starting next week, neuropathy is a possible side effect so I want to get the first lot of neuropathy more under control. She gave me a prescription for something else.


This new medication has a bit of a lead in. So on Tuesday I had one before bed. Yesterday I had one in the morning – well actually it was the afternoon as I forgot to have it earlier - & one just before bed. Today I’ve had one first thing & I should have one at midday & one at night. After that it’s 3 a day, spaced out.


Talk about spaced out. Today I’m feeling so woozy. I nearly fell over when I got up, not expecting to feel so unbalanced. The only thing I can put the difference to is the fact that I’ve started a new pill regime. I’m just hoping my body will settle down with time otherwise I can see me getting back onto the GP for something different. It’s not as though my feet are feeling any better & this wooziness is definitely making me feel bad.


 I’ve just had a phone call cancelling the PICC line & start of chemo. I’m off to see the surgeon at Wythenshawe hospital instead next week. I’m getting new appointments for the PICC line/chemo session for when we’ve heard what the surgeon says. If it is operable, then those appointments will be cancelled in favour of another op. If it isn’t we’ll go ahead with the chemo at once.

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