Wednesday 22 July 2020

Today's world

Yesterday the Fox & I escaped to the golf club on our own. Various members of staff stood by the bar.


I duly asked when the bacon butties on Fridays were returning. Before the virus hit we regularly had a bacon butty as a lunchtime treat. At the moment the club isn’t serving food on Mondays & Fridays.


Paul, the chef, duly said he didn’t know. At the moment they’re selling so few meals & snacks, it doesn’t even cover the cost of wages, let alone make a profit for the club. On Sunday, usually the busiest day of the week foodwise, he’d had just 6 meals to cook! We could see his point though I couldn’t help thinking on a Friday we usually raise three main meals & two snacks just between our friends & us.


Tuesday is usually when the men dominate the club & come in as a gang of 20+, often eating while they’re there. But in this post-virus world there was just the two of us inside & maybe half a dozen sat on the verandah. None were eating.


One of those who came in for drinks to take out on the verandah was a visitor who is member at a club in Blackpool. He couldn’t help commenting on the fact that he suspects if there is another shutdown due to the virus, at least one club there will be closing permanently, despite having a high membership.


We couldn’t help thinking if a few more people don’t start using our clubhouse & eat some food, our club might end up doing the same. Due to the virus we no longer have funds from renting out the room for functions such as wedding receptions & doing special large dinners. We hope the club doesn't end up closing permanently. It’s always so peaceful there, having a drink & looking out across the green of the course, either to the Cumbrian or Pennine fells. We would hate to lose it.

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