Saturday 18 July 2020

The norm?

It’s raining yet gain. It seems to be yet another wash-out of a summer after a very promising late spring. It’s a pity, especially in a year when most of us are not intending to travel abroad for a holiday. Part of the reason why so many Brits travel abroad I’m convinced is a confidence that they are more likely to find sunshine elsewhere.


We met up with all our local friends yesterday. The common question is when is it all going to end & we can get back to normal. Most also conclude this is going to be the norm for quite a while yet. As far as I can see, until we can discover a vaccine that works against Covid-19, or at least a treatment that makes it no worse than the common cold, the most we can hope for is a slight easing of restrictions. Social distancing, frequent hand washing, face masks, all are going to be with us for quite a while yet, maybe for ever.


We are just grateful that we can go to the pub & club again & see our friends again even if we can’t give each other hugs & have to bellow a bit to be heard from one table to another. It’s just great to have human contact again & see them all face to face rather than speaking to them down a telephone line.

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