Sunday 5 July 2020


He found it! My personal Sherlock, i.e. the Fox, managed to find my recipe book. He took one look at the bookshelves & realised some of the books had been rearranged.


Last week was the first time our cleaner, suitably gloved & masked, came. In the interests of social distancing I had not been in the room with her. She clearly must have decided to dust down the bookshelves & replaced the books differently in the process.


This is one of joys(?) of having a cleaner. Earlier in the week I’d had to hunt for the toothpaste & interdental brushes. Again they had been placed in a different place from their usual. She is a terror for not putting things back in place. I can see next time she comes I will be having words with her.


We are orderly, & ordered, people. We have hundreds of books on our shelves. That being so they are all carefully arranged so we can easily find them. The order may not make sense to others but it does make sense to us. I have told her before not to touch the books. We ourselves will dust that part of the house. Clearly, with three months’ absence, she’s forgotten that instruction.


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