Saturday 23 May 2020

What a blow!

Before the snow drift

Finally the banshees seem to have departed though the winds continue to blow. Yesterday it was disconcerting looking out of the window to see the pergola swaying from side to side. The garden furniture skidded around. The trees did their own wild tarantella. The white petals of the clematis drifted from the second pergola like some snow storm. Some of the irises in the front garden may still be tall & straight but they are in a more lateral attitude. I find myself wondering what will still be standing erect at the end of this storm. The peonies were proudly holding their buds high but I suspect they will now be drooping.

The wind may not be howling now but yet I can still hear it buffeting against the windows. I hear odd creaks & rattles as the fences & gate are attacked.
The insect house on the fence
The insect house is lying on the wall of the raised bed having blown off several times yesterday. We will rehang it when the wind eases.

We had been contemplating another salad today but I’ve now got out some chicken to spice up. I suspect we will appreciate that more today.

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