Thursday 7 May 2020

Taking care

Now that I am committed to radiotherapy, I feel an increased imperative to stay at home, self-isolated & away from any coronavirus. I expect to be called in some time in the next fortnight for a scan, possible further tattooing & careful measurement as to exactly where they want to aim the beam. The following week will be the start of the three week daily trips to Preston for the actual treatment. So it is all important that I stay healthy to have the treatment which will be more effective if I can manage the three weeks without interruption due to my ill-health. With this is mind the Fox went once more to the shops on his own yesterday.

I am so grateful for having a garden & such a large & accessible one. My latest thrill is the opening up of a large pink clematis. There seems to be loads of buds so it should be quite a sight when they all open up.
Pink clematis

Meanwhile later this morning I shall have a rummage in the freezer for the next month’s supply of items to use up. My list says pancetta & cooked chicken. I’ve not seen pancetta during the course of my various rummages. I usually just use bacon instead. I suspect it is in fact the prosciutto which I have seen from around the right date. The chicken I need to locate for tomorrow’s Chicken & Mushroom Pie.

Life goes on in very small circles. I am so looking forward to being free to go out, see friends & different sights. It is difficult to keep stimulated. Even the TV & radio seems to be full of virus related programmes. I long for something fresh to think about. I’m very grateful for the fact the Fox managed to get a pile of books from the library the day before shut down. At present I’m in 18th century England with some French emigrĂ©s who early in the novel had escaped Paris in the French Revolution. At least I can travel through time & space, away from coronavirus, in this way

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