Monday 11 May 2020

Fun ahead

This is going to be fun. As I finished my dinner yesterday, a perfectly soft Kipper & Egg Kedgeree, I discovered a filling had come out of one of my teeth. It’s not actually causing discomfort at the moment but I fear more might come out or infection might get in.

I’ve just rung the dentist. Unless I am in severe pain they would suggest getting a temporary filling kit from a chemist & temporarily fill it.

I gather it is a case of drying out the cavity as best you can with a cotton wool bud (or in my case some cotton wool wrapped around an orange stick) & put in the filling which is a bit like a bit of blutack.

As I say this is going to be fun as the tooth in question is one of my wisdom teeth, about as far in my mouth as I could get, not the easiest place to reach.

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