Saturday 2 May 2020


I’m once more in the horns of a dilemma. I had my telephone consultation with the radiotherapist. There seems to be advantages & disadvantages whether I take up the offer or not. What perturbed me most was the change in information on which I am to make the decision when I pointed out something my relative, head of Radiotherapy at Christie’s had said. I am left wondering what I should believe. I’ve suggested the hospital rings me back next week to give me a chance to decide what to do next.

Over the weekend I intend to ring my relative in the knowledge she will give me latest information about the radiotherapy & she will also be giving any advice with my interests uppermost in her mind. I have to admit I worry that I should have to depend on my relative for information which should be explained to me clearly & accurately by the local hospital specialists. Not everyone in this area are so fortunate to have such a knowledgeable relative.

I’m not worried unduly about the coronavirus risk. I am confident the radiotherapy centre will be one area that is kept scrupulously clean as many of the patients coming will recently have had chemotherapy & so be regarded as extremely vulnerable. This also means the patients & their carers will be less likely have the virus than most of the population.

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