Sunday 10 May 2020

More of everything

It was a lovely sunny day, the warmest day this year I think. After my spell on the computer, a phone call to a friend & a bit of gardening, I sat out in the walled garden, alternately reading & puzzling. In the afternoon I joined the Fox under the pergola by the garage to play dominoes.

This year the garden seems to be thriving. There seems to be more flowers than ever. There are more golden balls than usual on the globe flower in this part of the garden.
Golden trollius (globe flower) brightening up a corner of the walled garden

The birds, too, are active. This year seems to be the year of the starling. A magpie ventured into an elder tree next door. It was soon mobbed by dozens of starlings. It flew off sharpish. Even when I put food scraps out for the birds it is the starlings en masse who descend. The usual gulls just don’t get a look in.

However, I’m still pleased to hear the mellifluous blackbird, outsinging the rather raucous cries of the starlings. I do love to hear the blackbirds. Without so much traffic noise their song seems louder.

There are some good things that come out of the virus.

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