Wednesday 13 May 2020

A gardener again?

In theory our gardener will be back today, or later this week. She heard the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday & has concluded she ought to get back to work.

It will be a relief for us. The garden is gradually disappearing under weeds. My half hour efforts are just not enough to keep on top of them. Much as I try to convince myself weeds are just plants in wrong places, I can see little value in some. Horsetail remains boringly green – and we’re getting a forest. At least dandelions & celandines have cheery yellow flowers which I can really appreciate in the countryside or to brighten up roundabouts on the road network.

I haven’t quite understood why our gardener hasn’t been coming. Our garden is big enough for her to not have to have contact with us except for payment, which I could leave on the wall of a raised bed while she is at the other end. I can see she has other family responsibilities, including a husband with asthma problems, but I would still have thought she was safe enough to come here.

As it is we’ve come to the conclusion we’re going to have to look for another gardener soon if she doesn’t turn up. It would be a pity in some ways in that she is a hard worker & knows her plants.

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