We arrive home with the food shopping. I'm distracted by the wonder of some purple crocuses, fully open, with golden stamens extended, growing in our front garden. I hear my name. It's Fran, Dave's wife & our neighbour. She's popping over to let us know how Dave's doing. He was due his op yesterday.
Apparently, early in the morning, he'd rung to let her know he was all begowned ready to taken to theatre. Shortly after she had another ring. They'd been unable to do the heart operation. He'd apparently got another clot in his throat, so they'd had to operate to remove that instead. Now they are contemplating letting him come home for a couple of weeks to recover fully before his being taken in again for the heart op. Fran's not believing it until he is safely back.
As for poor Dave, he is feeling very frustrated. On Sunday, a group in the ward apparently got together in the TV room to watch the football. As the tension mounted, & they all got excited, they erupted into cheers & boos as appropriate. An irate nurse appeared & told them they had to calm down & watch quietly. Needless to say at the next goal or near goal, they could contain it no more. Another cry went up. The nurse reappeared, switched off the TV & told them all to go back & lie quietly in bed. That was the end of the football for them.
Although I can see for people, all presumably with severe heart problems, such excitement is not good for them, even possibly dangerous - presumably that's why one hour visiting is so strictly observed much to Fran's frustration - it does seem unfair on the patients. If you're stuck in hospital any length of time - & Dave is in his seventh week now - you welcome any distraction, change from the normality of boredom & waiting, especially if most of the time you're not feeling too bad.
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