Wednesday, 22 February 2012


The day's looking up. I gave the council a ring about the respite vouchers. It sounds - no change that, the phone's gone - we will definitely be getting some more vouchers for the next financial year. They're even prepared to give us extra if we need them.

Now I'm hoping things will continue in this vein as I have another look for a holiday. We picked up another brochure which has at least one property marked as being potentially wheelchair suitable. And yesterday, I suddenly thought I'd google "Wheelchair accessible self-catering in France" & discovered at least one website with plenty of properties. I'm confident if I find something that appeals we should be able to get in & around the properties. They even provide wheelchair accessible transport to get you from the airport to the property if necessary, which means we could maybe think of being further away from the airport provided we're staying somewhere where we could arrange the hire of a car more locally. So wish me luck, that's my next job.

Meanwhile I've peeled some spuds ready for dinner. We're food shopping later on so it needs to be a quick meal. I'm on the freezer list at the moment & come to some smoked salmon. I'm going to add it to some scrambled eggs, accompany it with some mushrooms & tomatoes - breakfast for dinner in other words. Yum! 

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