Thursday, 16 February 2012

Lack of comprehension among some

There are times when I am surprised by people's lack of comprehension.

Last Friday, when we were out at the Pub we announced we would not be there this Friday, tomorrow. We're off to the dentist. 

"Why, when are you going?" asked Mr P, retired music teacher, now culinary entrepreneur.

"Late morning," we reply.

"It won't take all day surely."

"No. We're only having a check-up. But by the time we've been out, possibly stopped for somewhere for a spot of lunch, we won't want to be making the effort to set off out again to get here."

Mr P looks at us in disbelief.

I find this strange. His wife suffers with ME so I would have expected him, more than most, to realise how great the toll on energies even a small expedition can make when you are disabled or not in the best of health. Even PD has learnt to accept that with us! Maybe it's just, sat down, we appear normal, talk animatedly, so, to many people, there's nothing wrong with us, or they can forget any problems we may have. It's just I expect friends by now to know otherwise.

It doesn't help those problems go away though. And we have to be practical & work within our limitations. It's a fine balancing job to do things to a level where we can get some satisfaction out of life & what we do, and overdoing things so we're just too exhausted & pain-filled to do anything for days afterwards. Unfortunately I'm not sure ACOS, the service that assesses people for sickness benefits, appreciate the importance of maintaining that balance any more than some of our friends.

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