Monday, 13 February 2012


Am I just getting old? This winter seems to have been long. I can't say it's been excessively bad.

Around here, we've not had the snow to contend with. It's been cold, very cold, but that tends to be the nature of winter. We have also had the grey, rather damp, days - too many of them. But there has been the occasional bright frosty day. 

Whatever the reason this winter has seemed long. We're both suffering the physical effects - me with my aches, the Fox with the deadness of leg & hand. I'm beginning to understand why winter seems to be the time so many older people die. The majority seem to go either at the first onset of winter or as the season changes again to spring. The latter I suspect because by then you feel so exhausted having survived the winter.

I'm telling myself that part of the problem is that we haven't had as many holidays as usual this year. Most years we have a couple of 2-3 week holidays plus a few weekends away. Last year we had 10 days in Cyprus. That was more of an enforced absence from home while the bathroom was done than a time of rest & relaxation. What is more we didn't have a lot of warmth - we even met with snow. Then the Fox had his stroke. After that we've had one weekend in Stoke. Great as it was to see the family again, it didn't stop it being too early & too demanding for the Fox so soon after the stroke. Since then we've had one week, cruising down the Rhine. Then at least we did find some sunshine & warmth, but a week barely gives you time to start to unwind by the time you've recovered from the travelling.

This year we're hoping to do a bit better. First we're hoping for a fortnight in France. We're contemplating avoiding some of next year's winter with a break in warmer climes - South Africa or the West Indies for example. Whatever else we do we're certainly hoping to manage a bit more sunshine & warmth, above all a bit more relaxation away from the worries of everyday life.Maybe that way we won't feel we're dragging our way through winter as much as we are this year. 

Come on spring. We're more than ready. 

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