Monday, 27 February 2012

Another week

And so, another week arrives, another damp grey day.

Angie should be coming along later. She didn't come last week as she was on holiday & we were at the hospital. Needless to say there's a bit more for her to do today. I'm contemplating asking if she does indeed have an hour to spare so we can use up some of our spare vouchers. We could do with having a re-arrange of one of our cupboards now we have some new lighter weight pans. She might as well give the cupboard a good clean out while she's at it.

I confess to being a little anxious about what these medical reviews will turn up today. I'm just hoping we've not go yet another thing wrong with us & it's just a case of tweaking our medication. We shall see.

Whatever it is, it can't be as dire as for Dave, our neighbour in Blackpool hospital. I gather from Fran, his wife, he was due to be let out for a couple of weeks to recover from the op on his throat. Then he was to return for the heart valve op. Instead Fran got a phone call saying that they were going to operate tomorrow. Apparently he's having problems with his breathing & passing in & out of consciousness. They've brought the second op forward as they daren't risk leaving it any longer. She reckons she will be relieved when it's all over, both ops done & he's on the road to recovery. But it is worrying that the second op is having been done before he's had chance to recover from the first & had chance to build up some strength & resilience for the second. We can but pray for him. And her.

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