Now the car has had its MOT, it is our turn to have out MOT. We duly go to the surgery. Things do not go well.
I suppose it started with having an appointment at 8.10am. We had it so early as, for me, it was one of those you have to starve for 8 hours minimum before blood is taken. I'm never at my best without a mug of tea first thing. The fact it was absolutely freezing this morning made the idea of a hot mug of tea to wrap yourself around all the more appealing.
Come the time to set off we discover there is a thick clear layer of ice on the car windows. We haven't allowed time to clear it. Nonetheless we try to scrape it off but it is too well frozen on. The Fox goes inside again for a pan of warm water. He swills it across the windows & the ice thaws. I get in the car. The Fox goes back in with the empty pan. By the time he returns the windows are already covered with great floral shapes as Jack Frost has visited. Fortunately there is a bit of a gap through which we can see glimpses of the world outside so we set off.
On the journey we both peer through the pattern, eyes stretched for any pedestrians crossing the road. There are a lot of young people on the road going off to school. Fortunately the surgery is only a few minutes away, but we drive slowly so arrive a little late.
We check in, relieved that that drive is over. The nurse calls us in. First she sees me.
Blood pressure too high. We continue on with the questionnaire.
"Do you ever feel down?" she queries. Seeing as I have depression I couldn't help pointing out that inevitably I do. I do have all the emergency numbers. I do know I should contact a GP & use antidepressants if I'm getting too low. I can't guarantee I will let anyone know. Part of the problem of mental illness is that you are not in your right mind to decide to do the sensible. Indeed the insensible seems to be the only logical sensible course of action.
Blood is taken. Water sample checked. Drinking, smoking, diet, height, waist, weight, all checked. She takes the blood pressure again - even higher.
"Do your ankles swell?" she asks. Again I have to point out I have been several times to the doctor as they swell. At the moment they only do occasionally, in the evening. The last time I saw the GP said swollen ankles were an inevitable result of not much walking & not to worry unless it is accompanied by breathlessness or chest pains, so I'm not pursuing it further. I may do it turns constant again.
A further check of my blood pressure - still rising.
On to the Fox. All the checks are done. His blood pressure is high too.
Her conclusion is we both need to see someone more qualified for a review. We need to have our medication checked to see if something else would be better for us. High blood pressure is not a good sign when you have had a stroke (the Fox) or Chronic Kidney Disease (me).
So now we have two more consecutive appointments later this month for reviews. By that time the blood results should be back too.
It's not been a good start for the day. We console ourselves when we get home with some toasted, buttered, crumpets for breakfast & a couple of pots of hot tea. We need to calm down after that visit!
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