Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Sunshine at last

Some sunshine at last! Clear blue skies! Beautiful! We seem to have had grey days for ages. It seemed appropriate for the grim news we've been getting of late. However, even that is improving. We heard yesterday that our neighbour, Dave, has been moved from Intensive Care to Medical Assessment. Most of our friends who have had experience of Medical Assessment have found it a grim place, the venue for so many final partings & deaths, but in Dave's case it has to be a sign of improvement, of hope.

In good spirits I'm under way with a Beef Bourguinon. The recipe called for a whole bottle of Burgundy wine. I'm only making half quantities but even so that seems extravagant. I've used half a bottle of cheap Aussie red plonk. As far as I'm concerned that should do.

Now that November is here I'm starting to get orders for what people want for the Geriatrics' Corner Christmas dinner. Time is marching on. 

The end of the year will soon be upon us. I suppose I always begin to think this way when the clocks go back & the nights suddenly draw in. When we came home from the Pub yesterday, about 5pm, we already needed to put the lights on on the car. And it will only get earlier & earlier until the new year comes.

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