Sunday, 27 November 2011

On the mend

It is with some relief, I'm glad to say, I'm once more re-surfacing. Last night I actually managed to sleep most of the time. Friday night had been spent more awake than sleeping, coughing so hard tears came to my eyes & blowing my nose so much the best part of a box of tissues went just during the night. I'd also alternated between freezing despite a sheet, two blankets, a quilted bedspread & a quilt on top of me - usually a sheet & one blanket suffice for me - and running with sweat. I'm still pretty blocked but at least things are easing. I'm also pleased to see a bit of rosiness returning to my cheeks today. It will be another quiet day for me today but at least I've turned the corner.

Meanwhile the Fox is feeling heavy, though it doesn't seem to be turning into a full blown cold. He's been busy trying make sure I'm well fed & watered. I wouldn't be too surprised, though, if the roles are reversed as the week goes on & I recover & he lets go & sinks into the cold.

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