Monday 14 November 2011

An old favourite

The sky is blue & clear. I contemplate putting my washing out. If it was the summer I would undoubtedly do so, but now it is so cold the washing wouldn't dry much anyhow. I leave it on the racks in the laundry room.

Today we're having an old favourite for dinner. Something I've not made for a while. I'm not quite sure why. So it's a Tuna Flan today. We'll finish off the tin later in the week with, I suspect, something like Tuna Macaroni Cheese.

At the moment my home-made pastry is thawing, ready to be rolled & blind baked, ready for filling when we get home later today. We'll certainly be doing some food shopping today. We're just about out of milk, yet again. We'll probably go on to the Pub afterwards. We'll see.

But first it's a flan case to make & a visit by Angie to spruce up the house.

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