Yesterday was my one step back, but today I've made two steps forward & am feeling more like myself than I have for what seems like ages. I'm even contemplating having a go at cooking, or at least supervising the cooking of, the Normandy pork I'd planned for last Friday. I'm confident my taste buds will be tasting, my mind will be sufficiently unfogged to think. I'm still blowing but not near as bad.
It's the first time Angie, our cleaner, has been when I've had a cold. Usually I sit & chat to her as she cleans, but yesterday I retreated back into the lounge as she moved on to the bathroom. Soon she came running in, alarmed. "Are you okay?" she queried. I had coughed, that is all. But when down with cold, my coughs rack my whole body & she'd thought I was my gasping my last.
As she left she thought I should have a bit of a lie down, which I admit I felt about ready to do. No such luck. I'd just got as far as removing my knee braces, reclining my chair into a comfortable position, snuggling down into a quilt I've had out for the last few days for just such a purpose, when the doorbell went - a local charity trying to enlist subscriptions. This was an irritating waste of time since we regularly support that particular charity anyway, if they had but checked their books in the first place.
I returned to my chair, got comfy again, when the doorbell went a second time. This time it was a wine delivery. By the time that was taken in, I felt it was time to abandon the whole effort of a lie down.
Still, today, I've got up feeling well enough to put away the quilt, until the next time I'm down with a cold. Hopefully that won't be this year at least. Now I'm looking forward to a slow, but steady, improvement & getting back to normality once more.
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