Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Talking turkey

We pop up to the surgery yesterday. My blood pressure day. Since they changed my medication in September they're keeping an eye on it.

It's up.

I couldn't help thinking I'm not very surprised after last week. There was plenty of cause for my pressure to shoot up. I explained as much.

I've got to go again in a couple of weeks & see if my blood pressure has settled down a bit.
At one time the level it is at now would have been regarded as fine, considerably lower than the target I originally started taking blood pressure pills for. Now, with Chronic Kidney Disease diagnosed, the level I need to be at is lower. 

We'll see but I suspect the dosage of my new medication might have to be raised.

Meanwhile we bump into Mr P. He had his big weekend, with his new restaurant being open. He obviously gets quite an adrenalin rush from it all. He was still coming down. He had to admit he's still not breaking even. This weekend he reckoned he was down about £100. We can't help wondering how long the business can keep going if the takings don't improve soon. Still it sounds as though he's had nothing but compliments for the food & service. At least some clients have booked for the next three months. So maybe he's right & it's going to take off. It's early days yet.

Mentioning food I've got a quiet day today. The Fox is taking over the cooking. He's making a creamy turkey  casserole in Big Ears, the slow cooker. Our friend, PD, has a daughter-in-law who works at a local hotel & gets given loads of turkey leg joints, two of which PD passed on to us. PD doesn't like eating turkey outside the Christmas to New Year period. So the Fox is tackling this large 1.5kg turkey grenade today.

I've already cut some off for tomorrow when I'll make a turkey stroganoff. That bit of the meat is in the fridge while the rest stays out to thaw ready for the afternoon cook. I'm quite looking forward to it. I admit I like a bit of turkey from time to time so these couple of days should be a bit of a treat.

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