Friday, 13 March 2009

Bird fight

As I glance out of the window of the kitchen door, my eye is caught by a couple of male blackbirds. Throughout the winter months, a pair have been going around together. I'd even been beginning to wonder if you have homosexual birds as they seemed so together. From today's activities I suspect not. The fight began on the ground. Soon they'd taken to the air, whirling around, pecking & clawing each other. I looked around to see if there was some female around that they were fighting over. No. I suspect that, as spring arrives, these men have decided it's time to sort out their territories once more for the summer breeding months. Whatever the reason they certainly seemed to be having a dingdong fight.

As for the Foxes we're off out later to have a look at a new farmers' market. It's not that we need to buy anything, but we're curious to see what stalls are there for future reference. At the moment I'm trying to run down some of our kitchen stores so there will be less to pack up when we have the kitchen done in just over a week's time. I'm trying to almost empty the fridge as, although we're keeping it, they'll probably have to move it around & switch off the power from time to time during the process of fitting the new kitchen. Some things we'll possibly take with us as we're booked into a self-catering cottage. So it is that today we're back to that old favourite - breakfast for dinner ie bacon & eggs & baked beans. Though you never know. Something might catch my eye at the market, then who knows.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

but even gay birds may have their quarrels!