Monday, 2 March 2009


I'm feeling restless this morning. I suspect it's something to do with the sunshine & not having been out for a few days. Maybe it's just I'm a bit anxious about today's dinner - roasted halibut with wilted lettuce & fenugreek broth. I've already concentrated the fenugreek broth, ready to add to some wilted lettuce later on. I've also par-boiled some new potatoes ready to saute this evening. What I'm anxious about is poaching the halibut in olive oil. Poaching, not frying.

Or maybe my restlessness is due to the fact that I think a trip to the local TIC is called for in order to sort out where we'll stay when the kitchen is done. I'm feeling particularly frustrated in this in that I thought I would be able to google Morecambe or Lancaster TIC & instantly find an accommodation list with their facilities. This seems to be an impossibility, & yet it seems stupid to have to have a brochure posted to us when we live so nearby. The odd bit of accommodation in the area I have located doesn't bother to tell you if there is disabled facilities. Level access is essential for me.

I'm telling myself relax. We're going out this afternoon & so can pop into the TIC as we pass. There is quite a cold wind blowing &, in all honesty, the sun does look as though it could easily depart any minute. But the itch remains. Maybe when I have a go at my Monet's "Water Lily Pond" jigsaw, I'll become so absorbed that I'll finally settle. Here's hoping.

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