Saturday 21 March 2009

All golden

In the end, I've made some chicken croquettes for this evening. They're breadcrumbed ready to fry up this evening. Nice & easy. And we'll have some of those carrots to accompany them. Tomorrow will be stir fry day with loads of peppers & a carrot perhaps.

The sun of late has really brought out the daffodils. They seem to be everywhere, even growing in the trees - some prankster, no doubt. The small ones seem very popular in gardens around here. Mainly, we gather, because the strong gales off the sea usually flattens the taller ones. This year seems to have been surprisingly quiet, windwise. And that explains the banks of tall ones in every hedgerow & along the streets.

I gather the weather is due to change to wet on Monday, just in time for our few days away. Isn't that the way?

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