Monday, 19 January 2009


The greyness of the day is not very inspiring. It doesn't encourage me to feel much zip. I've got the beef curry made for dinner & now I turn my mind to non-chore items. I sit here to write my blog & find my mind curiously devoid of thought. This doesn't often happen to me. My usual difficulty is trying to whittle down the ideas to just one or two topics. Maybe I'm just a bit tired. All that jubilation yesterday was quite taxing, though I'm still rejoicing in hearing from Dot & Margo. This afternoon we were intending to look at more kitchens but when it is as wet as it is becoming, I'm not sure we'll bother. You can get remarkably wet in a wheelchair. I've tried phoning friends but they seem to be having problems too. MK, our friend with Motor Neurone Disease, is going through a falling spell which is getting to him a bit. PD, who suffers with depression, has got himself so worked up that he can't face seeing people other than his family. His only joy in life at the moment are the visits of his young grandchildren. None of this brought much sun into my life.

My one consolation is that I'm not actually getting myself depressed. I may feel a bit lacklustre, but everyone does that at times, but I'm not feeling black, not questioning my worth, so that is good. Maybe I should get back to contemplating that holiday in the Far East & look at hotels in Singapore. Maybe that will give me a bit of zip. Or start a new jigsaw.....Maybe what I really need is a bit of sunshine.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

I suspect that yesterday's surfeit of rejoicing is the real culprit. May the sunshine of rejoicing keep the black dog restrained in hios kennel!!!