The end is in sight. My cold is finally at the one or two tissues per day stage. Similarly one or two coughs per day. I can once more sleep in a horizontal position, no longer propped up on a mound of pillows as otherwise I would spend the night constantly having to sit up to blow my nose. The real joy is that I'm once more welcome on the settee, next to the Fox.
Whenever we go down with colds we try to avoid much physical contact, sitting apart, faces averted so we don't breathe over each other, trying to avoid spreading germs from one to the other. When we were first married, we didn't adopt such a strategy & seemed to get colds that lasted for months as we passed it from one to the other & back again. At least this way, one of us sometimes manages to avoid the problem &, with a bit of luck, the one who does have it only gets it the once.
So it was with great joy, after dinner, that I sat next to the Fox on the settee. We watched a bit of TV, with me leaning against the Fox. Then later we switched off, opened a bottle of champers to celebrate the return to almost normality, put on some Miles Davis. I sat at the other end of the settee, facing the Fox, my feet on his lap where the Fox lovingly caressed them. Sheer bliss! Soon we'll return to the kissing stage & all will be well again.
Similarly come the night, in bed, my head happily found the hollow in the Fox's shoulder where it usually lies. I made sure I breathed downwards to his feet, but it was great to be in his arms once more - a place of tremendous warmth & security. I always feel nothing can go wrong if I'm there.
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