Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Flight overhead

I was in the laundry room, seeing what washing had dried overnight when I heard a great honking. I hastily looked out. Wave after wave of geese flew overhead. About 8 great Vs of them in all. A couple of hundred geese at least. They were flying west. In view of the fact it's not migration time, I would guess they're off to their Morecambe Bay feeding grounds, to return to their sleeping grounds more inland, probably at Martinmere, this evening. We've certainly heard numerous geese flying overhead, even if it's been too dark to see them.


I think I'm going slowly bonkers. Yesterday I arranged for one of the kitchen companies to come to measure up & design our new kitchen. This morning I look in the diary & see I wrote the appointment in on Feb 10th, a fortnight's time. Now I'm left wondering. Are they coming today & I put the appointment in the diary wrong, or are they indeed coming next month? I know, just before, I had made another appointment which was for the 9th, so did I put the kitchen visit on Tuesday, the day after without checking which page the week-to-view diary was open at? As I say, I'm going nuts. We'll find out this afternoon.

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