Friday 18 January 2019

New life

Our gardener came yesterday. I ventured out with a mug of tea for her & sat & chatted for a bit. It was lovely to see some of the spring bulbs are budding up. Here are the beginning of white snowdrops buds, there some golden crocus buds. The hellebores are out, some pink, some white. Life is definitely beginning to burgeon. We both worry it may be a bit too early as the worst of winter has yet to come.

What really bemuses us is that the lobelia is still in flower in the walled garden. Admittedly that garden is more sheltered than most of the garden, but even so.

We’re re-designing the front garden. It’s no longer going to be the herb garden. The essential culinary herbs have moved to the back, near the house. At the moment only the bay tree remains in the front. That is too big to contemplate safely moving to the back so I will have to continue to venture out the front when I need a bay leaf. I’m looking forward to getting something more planted in the front. We appreciate the privacy afforded by a few shrubs & other plants. At the moment we still feel a bit exposed. Our gardener as drawn up a list of suggestions only she keeps forgetting to bring the list with her. Hopefully she will remember soon.

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