Wednesday 16 January 2019

Looking forward again

There remains just one more small bag of minced beef. Or at least of minced beef of this vintage. Today or tomorrow I will have to have a rummage in the freezer to bring up to the top items dating from the next month. I see from my list it should be chicken & pastry with a bit of chorizo thrown in. It will certainly be different from minced beef in any of its myriad of forms.

My cold still hangs on. Yesterday we did go out – library & repeat prescriptions were becoming urgent – but I feel no worse for the trip. I think I’ve got to the stage now, although I’m still blowing & coughing up phlegm, at least I can feel relieved in the knowledge I don’t think I can do anything to make me worse, except of course, meeting another strain of cold.

The Fox, too, is feeling better. Unfortunately more & more red discs are appearing on his legs & hands. The itch seems to be on the way back. If we could just keep the eczema at this level I think he could live with it. I just hope it doesn’t get too much worse. Still we should be hearing from Dermatology sometime this month so we will see what they suggest next.

Now we’re both getting over the worst of the colds I’m hoping we can get back to living. January seems to be whizzing by with us in a semi-conscious state, losing track of dates, even days of the week.

We had planned to do a bit of de-cluttering this year. Some of our friends are moving house at the moment. It’s made us realising just how much stuff we’ve got in our attic. Much of it we put there when we first moved here in 2000. We’ve not looked at the things since. I can’t help suspecting if we haven’t needed them all that length of time, we just don’t need them. Someone else should have the benefit of them. If nothing else we’ve forgotten what we have there. I know there is a lot of bedding but I can’t help thinking if I need new sheets/blankets/quilts I’d just buy new ones, forgetting I even had some upstairs. Maybe now is the time for a throw-out.

Though maybe it will wait a little longer until we’re well past these colds. That is our first priority. All spare energy needs to be put to that end.

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