Wednesday 21 February 2018

Signs of hope

At last the Fox managed to eat all that was put in front of him. Admittedly it wasn’t much – two poached eggs on toast – but still it’s a start. He’s finding all tastes & mouth-feel textures being exaggerated, so meat is tough, sauces dry, fruit juice sweet. I’m hoping it’s a sign he’s on the mend.

One way or another I will have to venture out soon. Our library books are finished & due back on Thursday. I’m running out of ingredients to make a quick meal for one – all the items in the freezer are in portions for 2. I may well get a ready meal that just needs warming up for me. We also need to collect some pills from the chemist. I've also got to collect our holiday tickets & get a new battery for my watch.

On the good side, the weather has picked up. We’ve had a couple of days of sunshine. That has encouraged a few buds to open. Near the bins there is one tiny daffodil bravely shouting spring is coming. Numerous daffodils are now in bud in the pots screening off the garage. In the front garden patches of golden crocuses are appearing. Definite signs of hope, and that is what I feel spring is all about.

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