Friday 23 February 2018

Heading in the right direction

Another beautiful day. We seem to have had quite a run of them. Unfortunately, with the Fox being ill, we’ve not been able to make the most of them & had a day out. The last couple of days have turned colder with very heavy frosts but at least the sun is shining, giving a glow to the world. You can always wrap up against the cold.

Yesterday the Fox managed to venture out once more. We collected our prescriptions first, then went on to the library. By the time we were done there the Fox had about had it. We decided to just get some milk from the local Coop, then go down to the village pub for a meal. I’m relieved to say the Fox more or less finished his whole meal – lamb shank & mash. To be honest what was left was some honey roasted carrots that were so hard he couldn’t even get his fork in them. I did the same.

While we were deciding what to eat, a friend came over. We hadn’t gone into our usual room & so he’d thought he had somehow inadvertently offended us. We assured him no, it was just that we were going to eat so the more restaurant part seemed more appropriate, on top of which we were trying to avoid giving our friends the Fox’s flu. He went away, understanding & relieved.

As on the day before, the Fox went for a couple of hours’ lie-down to recover from his exertions.

At least these little outings do not seem to have had an adverse effect on the Fox. He’s still heading in the right direction. Today we’re hoping to get to Morrisons & get some of the list of basics we seem to be running out of. In particular there’s things like coffee & tissues. I’m hoping to get a bit of fresh cod to bake in some mushroom soup for dinner today or tomorrow.

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