Saturday 24 February 2018

On the mend

It’s so good to have the Fox back to something like normal. Yesterday he got up with a lightness, a brightness, around him. I think he’s finally shaken off the ‘flu. Admittedly he still tires easily but seems once more able to joke a bit, help out with the chores of life. The flu has taken it out of him. His resilience since his stroke & since he’s moved into his late 60s is not the same as it was when he was a young man.

Once more he’s eating properly. As a result I settled down to making a spag bol for today’s dinner with a certain amount of enthusiasm, reasonably confident it will be eaten.

We’ve still got some chores to do – get a new battery for my watch, collect the documents for our French holiday – but all the urgent stuff’s been done.

He was also much cheered to hear from the hospital about a Dermatology appointment next week. There’s been a cancellation so could he go in? He grabbed the appointment, in the hope something more effective will be prescribed for him before we go away. Although his rash has largely dried up, waves of new ones keep popping up, especially where his clothes rub against his skin e.g. on his legs & arms. Now he’s feeling less fluey he’s once more aware of the itches. So here’s hoping.

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