Friday 12 January 2018


The Fox seems to be finally settling down. Now he’s on the reduced medication he seems much calmer. His sleeping pattern has been shot to pieces but I dare say it will soon settle back into his more normal pattern. It’s quite a relief. He continues on with his 3 pills a day for another few days. Then we just keep our fingers crossed that the rash will disappear for ever.

I feel quite unsettled at the moment. Partly it’s the Fox’s ill-health, but partly it is because the radio in our lounge has packed up. We can still play CDs on it, but I miss Radio 4 as I have my breakfast cuppa or do my jigsaws. For that matter I miss “The Archers”. I’m a regular listener to that.

The Fox has bought a new radio on-line but it‘s not arrived yet. It should be here soon though. Meanwhile the house is largely silent.

In all honesty I think I would find the television packing up less disruptive than the radio doing so, even though we do have radios in the kitchen & bedroom as well as the lounge one. I only watch the TV in the evening & then it’s often not switched on much of the time as we listen to music & chunter instead. It’s very rare I could be bothered with television during the daytime.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Fingers crossed and prayer arrows still zooming! Love to you both in your lair.