Friday 19 January 2018

Signs of hope

I’m relieved to say I feel more myself today. I continued to have dizzy spells all day. At times yesterday I was breaking out into a sweat even though there was no heating on; other times I shivered. I was early to bed & slept through till after 8 this morning. Whatever it was, it seems to have been a 24 hour wonder – possibly fighting off flu or just plain overtired.

I’ve just passed some flower beds on the way to the compost bin with our potato peelings. I’m struck by the first signs of spring. Already there are some snowdrops budding up. In the front garden there are a couple of golden crocus buds. Nothing is opening yet but the buds do reveal the colour of the flowers to come.

It seems early but I suppose it just goes to remind me that we are already halfway through January. Hopefully in another little while the weather will pick up & we’ll move back into warmer climes. Today is at least bright though the garden is full of puddles from the amount of rain we’ve had of late.

Ooops! I spoke too early Once more I hear rain/hail slashing against the window. The room is also very dark, almost requiring me to put on the lights to see. A quick look out of the windows is enough to see the ground is rapidly becoming white with balls of ice. Maybe winter still has a few last kicks. I often think February & March are the worst months of winter.

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