Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Changed consciousness

We go off to the Pub. The car park is fuller than usual so I had to park some distance from the doorway. We got my wheelchair out & the Fox pushed me in. He admits later that that was almost too much, the long walk as well as the push. He found himself once more dragging his left leg behind a bit.

We soon discovered the reason for all the cars. The mother of some friends had died & this was the remnants of the funeral party.

Once more we were aware of a sense of dislocation. It was the first time we'd seen Paul & Cheryl since we went to Cyprus. They asked how the holiday was & did we like the new bathroom. Somehow it all seemed long ago, even though the bathroom, or should I say shower room, was only finally completed that morning.

No, life seems to be in terms of before & after the stroke. It seems to have had a monumental import on our life. 

It was my birthday on Sunday but we didn't do much. Usually we go out for a meal, but, by the evening, I was too tired to drive anywhere & the Fox's appetite has reduced so much it hardly seems worth the expense of eating out. (I'm glad to say the appetite is improving. He's starting to eat something like a reasonable portion again.) No, life just isn't the same since that day just over a very long fortnight ago.

I suspect though that will apply to Paul & Cheryl. Their life will now be measured in life before & after Paul & Heidi's mother's death.


Malcolm said...

please accept my BIRTHDAY GREETINGS (even though they're somewhat belated)!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Thank you Malcolm. Such greetings are always welcome. The Vixen