Tuesday, 19 April 2011

A busy few days

I'm feeling weary today. It's been a busy few days.

Sunday was busy with getting to church, then in the afternoon I did the bed changing.

Monday was busy too. This time it was because the sun shone so I put the washing out to dry. 

Then Angie, our cleaner came. We're keeping her on for the moment until the Fox has had chance to recover. At the present he's appreciating not having to worry about the housework, especially when he is running low on energy & limping around. 

While she was here, the blinds man arrived. We've finally got the shower room completed. It seems like it's been a mammoth task, & much of the shine has been taken off by the Fox's stroke. But at least it's now done. We are still wondering if we shouldn't put a shelf or basket in the shower itself to put the shampoo etc in. But that, if we decide upon it, we should be able to do ourselves in our own time.

The afternoon saw us back at the surgery. This time for my sake, in connection with the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It was time for a check on whether the medication I'd been given was having any effect. My blood pressure was good - a minor miracle at the moment with all the stress the stroke has caused. My last blood tests still reckon my cholesterol was too high, so they've taken some more blood & I will hear later this week if I need to be put on statins. The specialist nurse suspects I will.

After that it was a trip to Morrisons for the big shop. We haven't had a big shop since before the Fox had his stroke. It didn't seem worth while stocking up much when the Fox was hardly eating. We just topped up with milk, tea etc & ate from the freezer. But now that he's back to eating properly again, the shelves needed a re-fill. It was a relief to see he managed to hobble around long enough to get it all done. (He reckoned the limping was more due to the fact he'd bashed his knee than the deadness aftereffect of the stroke.)

By the time that was done, we both felt the need for a sit down & relax before thinking about dinner. We briefly stopped at home, to empty the car & put things in the freezer & fridge before they melted. We set off to the village pub. By the time we'd had a glug or two of our drinks, we realised neither of us felt up to cooking. Just too tired, so we had a meal there. It made a change.

This morning has been chaotic once more. So far I've done the ironing - always a relief to get out of the way.

Then the man came to fix the boiler. On Sunday, when the temperature outside was 18+C, the central heating was on inside. The radiators were red hot despite it being outside the times set on the timer. We've had this problem all winter, but were advised that it was a safety device to prevent the boiler freezing. However, now it can't be that, so I got onto them yesterday & the man arrived today.

He's adjusted the thermostat on the boiler. He reckons it was set far too high. What is more he's moved the position a bit. It was affixed to an outside wall inside the laundry room. As a result it was measuring the temperature of the cold wall rather than the ambient temperature of the room. He's now put some insulation between the thermostat & the wall so hopefully we won't have to sweat it out so much with radiators full on when we don't need them.

As I say it's been a busy few days. I'm ready now for a quiet couple fro a change.

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