Sunday, 17 April 2011

So many questions

It's been 3 weeks now. Another week & the Fox will be able to drive again.

Life is still very disrupted. The biggest problem is that we have questions but no one to ask. It will be a relief to go to the hospital in May to hopefully find out the answers.

As I've already said, the Fox is mainly on the mend. His one big remaining difficulty is the excessive tiredness mixed with the dead leg he feels he's dragging along behind him. It's difficult to know whether the leg goes dead because he's tired or he's tired because of the effort of dragging the leg around.

Will his normal stamina return? Is the leg going to get back to normal? Should he exercise it? Or should he be resting it? We need to know the answers.

Yesterday the sun shone. The Fox looked out to see the lawn needs mowing. Al, our gardener still hasn't arrived. The Fox wondered whether to get out the mower & do it himself. But would he be able to complete the job? Would he even be able to cope with just a walk down to the far end of the garden? He tired himself out on Friday with the walk back from the Post Office around the corner, a distance of around a couple of hundred yards. He only had one way to go as I'd dropped him off at the Post Office in the car.

And what of holidays? If he can't walk far he won't be able to push me far either. So what sort of holiday is feasible? A cruise perhaps? A holiday for disabled people where there would be volunteers to push me, maybe both of us around?

Or is all this wondering a waste of time? What the Fox should be doing is resting a bit for now, then exercising gently to re-build the strength in his leg. Or should he be exercising now, before the leg muscles get too weak, & risk upping his blood pressure & bringing on another stroke?

We're full of questions as you can see, but nobody to ask. We've both tried looking on the web but both come to the same answers which are so general as not to be particularly helpful. We're just hoping the specialist at the hospital can help. In the meanwhile try to be patient & keep our fingers crossed.

The one thing we are determined to manage is the trip down to Stoke for my cousin's golden wedding party. A few days away will do us good & I can't believe that should be too exhausting for either of us. And even if it is, it will be worth it for the pleasure of seeing the family again. That isn't until June. Hopefully by then we'll have some answers. Things will be clearer.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Hope you're soon able to obtain some answers! Hasn't your GP been able to offer a little advice?