Friday, 22 April 2011


Our postal vote papers have arrived. As usual I look at the list of local candidates & see if I know anything about any of them. I always feel these local elections are rather arbitrary in that the candidates rarely send any material to read  on their policies, & even rarer do they turn up to canvass. 

Where I'm really torn, though, is on the question of AV. The present method has the value of simplicity, cheapness & speed of outcome. However, I am aware how often the proportion of the vote against a candidate is often higher than the proportion for that candidate. I feel the need for change.

However, I'm not sure this is the change that is needed. Therein lies my dilemma. Do I vote to stick with the old simple system? Or should I vote for the proposed system as it's the only alternative on offer? 

Neither campaign seems to be making much noise, nothing that really gets over the advantages of either system. Today, on the "Today" programme it seemed to be a debate between AV & an alternative system based on the French system which we aren't even being offered.

As for the leaflet that came through for the No campaign, that seemed more of a personal attack on Clegg rather than on the idea of AV. When it comes to pointing out the extra costs involved, I end up thinking surely if that's the price of better democracy it must be worth the price.

I'm dithering again. And I hate dither.

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