Monday, 4 April 2011


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! There is joy in the Foxes' den.

The Fox has returned. Having spent all last week more or less in bed, resting at least, being very withdrawn, questioning whether he wouldn't have been better off if he'd died in the stroke, having an upset stomach & losing his appetite, the Fox has finally turned the corner. He is much more like himself.

That's not to say he's entirely recovered. He still tires very easily. The circulation in his left side seems to be poor - he has absolutely freezing hands even though the heating is still on. His appetite is slowly returning. He even managed to make one of spicy spag bols yesterday even though he couldn't fancy any garlic bread to accompany it or cheese to follow. At the moment I've got a meatball curry plopping away at this very minute - at his request. We managed to go out for a bit on Saturday, get a bit of food shopping done & had a quick visit to the village pub.

Above all he's sounding so much more positive, interested in life again. He looks so much more alert & with it. Careful does it but he's definitely on the mend. three cheers!

Meanwhile the cleaner will be coming soon - that's one job less for him to do for the next few weeks.

I've cancelled my hospital transport for tomorrow. With the Fox looking able to cope with the trip, I'm confident he will be able to talk to me to make sure I'll not fall off to sleep at the steering wheel on the return trip. When I told them, they asked why I'd changed my mind. I told them I'd managed to find alternative transport. I went on to add that depriving a wheelchair-user of their wheelchair was rather like cutting their legs off. "Oh," she says, "You should have told them you needed a Tower ambulance." How was I to know that! When I had made the booking, I had expressed my horror at having to leave my own chair behind & depend on the ambulance/hospital chairs. I'd even told them that when we lived in Arnside, I had once had an ambulance sent to me which took me to hospital in my chair. Surely it was up to them to offer a Tower ambulance? How was I supposed to know that such a vehicle is called a Tower ambulance & I had to specifically request one such? 

Still fingers crossed for tomorrow. I'm just hoping it's going to be a false alarm.

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