Friday, 1 October 2010

Happier day

Oh it seems so much better to be doing something this morning. After my couple of mornings with no food to prepare, it is with relish that I've got down to making a vegetable & lentil casserole for dinner. I've also peeled some sprouts to have with it. The urge to cook is fairly fundamental in me. I'm somehow more content if I'm only asked to boil some eggs for a kedgeree, or peel a few spuds or sprouts towards a meal that the Fox is making.

So, despite the heavy rain & grey skies, I'm feeling much happier today. I've even done the ironing this morning. Though, I suspect, part of my sense of well-being is probably the result of a very agreeable evening last night. I see the Fox has got in before me, so I won't bore you by repeating what he has already said. It is sufficient to concur in the conclusion, a very enjoyable evening was had by all & Lin was suitably fussed over.

PD & Lin did repeat their invite to join them at the Fish Evening being held at our old local pub in Arnside next week. We again said no. The meal doesn't start until 8 pm which is just too late for me. By the time we'd eaten & driven home, it would be 11ish. I was in bed, on the way to the land of nod, by that time last night.

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